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Software, Hardware, Artwork, Fonts

17 Aug '16

Blastable (.09)

Posted by Cameron Moore
Blastable is used to get the v-line thickness of your designs to be an appropriate thickness for sandblasting.  By default the target thickness is .09".  You can choose your own standard thickness by holding CTRL + clicking on the Blastable icon.
Type in a new default width in inches and click SAVE.
  In this example the imported object was too large so it was shrunk to fit.  Typically when importing another file it will come in as a group. 
Blastable Group
The first step in using Blastable is to be sure that your target object is combined together.  In order to do that you must first UNGROUP ALL, then combine together.
After the objects are ungrouped the property bar will change and allow you to COMBINE.
After the objects are combined it should show as only one color.
The next step is to create a reference line using a drawing tool like the Freehand Tool.
This is showing the reference line being created, while zoomed in and in wireframe mode so you can see the line.
Looking at the property bar it shows that the reference line is .077" tall.  We would like our v-line to be .09".
With the reference line selected you will hold SHIFT + Click on the target object you want to fix to select both objects at the same time.  When both objects are selected you will click the Blastable Tool icon or Alt+B on the keyboard.
The result should be that the target object now has v-lines at the default line width.  It will also combine all inside lines and fill them 10% grey, and the outside line will be filled black.
Blastable uses CorelDRAW's contour tool to achieve the desired result.  Occasionally if an object has stray objects, or odd lines the contour tool will not work correctly which can usually be noticed by deleted or incorrect lines after the tool has been applied.  If this is the case the original lines usually need cleaned up before applying Blastable.
15 Aug '16

Open By Number

Posted by Cameron Moore in Help, How To, Tutorial
Open by number is used to quickly open clip-art simply by typing in the number of the design.
Type a design number into the text input field and hit Enter on your keyboard or click Open.  For example, if you type in 374, Open By Number will search through the default location for "347.cdr" and open it in a new document window.
If you want to bring a design into your current document you would first check the IMPORT checkbox.
For ease of use all MemorialDESIGNER files are saved with a simple design number.  The Classic Collection design book has the numbers listed below each of the designs.  For this reason, the default search location is the MemorialDESIGNER\Classic Collection\ folder, however you can change the default by clicking the SETTINGS button. 
To browse to a new default folder click on the BROWSE button.
Select a new folder and click OK.
Open By Control Number is similar to Open By Number but has a few unique features.  To access Open By Control Number, hold the CTRL button down on the keyboard while clicking the Open By Number icon on the standard toolbar.
Open By Control Number Dialog
The default search location for Open By Control Number is different from Open By Number because it is meant to search for your order designs.  Instead of finding an exact match for a number, it looks for a file name that begins with an order number.  If, for example you had saved an order as "12345 Johnson, James and Edna.cdr" where 12345 was the order number, instead of typing the entire filename in, you can simply type in 12345 and it would find the best match and open it up.  If there are multiple versions of the same order, it would open the first one that it finds.  For this reason, it is usually best to keep multiple versions of a design within a single CDR.  The Revision Page tool is useful in this case.
The default search location can also be changed by using the Settings button.
If Open By Number or Open By Control Number are unable to locate a match to what you had typed it will pop up a message:
If you click Yes, it will attempt to locate the file on MemorialDESIGNER's Design Server.  If you click No, it will cancel the operation.  If it is able to find the design online it will download it and open it.  If you clicked YES and it is not able to find the file online it would pop up an additional message:
OBN File Not Found Online
The ability to download the file from the MemorialDESIGNER servers when you don't have it locally is currently under construction and will be available in a future update.